Making Disaster Resilience Everyone’s Business

It is time to shift the conversation and empower everyone to play a role. All stakeholders need to work closely…

Detection and Alert for the City of Vadodara: A Space-Based Flood Approach for Mitigating Impacts on Critical Infrastructure and Reducing Economic Losses

Shubharoop Ghosh, Margaret Glasscoe (PhD), Bandana Kar (PhD), Kristy Tiampo (PhD), David Green (Phd), Marina Mendoza (PhD), Charles Huyck.

Climate Justice: Integrating Economics and Philosophy

Climate Justice: Integrating Economics and Philosophy Edited by Ravi Kanbur and Henry Shue Climate justice requires sharing the burdens and…

Death Toll Crosses 180 in Nepal and India Floods

In October 2021, more than 180 people died after heavy rainfall triggered flash floods in Nepal and two Indian States…

COP26 Negotiators Turn to Plan B as Climate Pledges Fall Short

After a week of climate talks in Glasgow at the COP26 Summit, negotiators are grappling with a fundamental math problem:…

This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. The Climate

By Naomi Klein In This Changes Everything, Naomi Klein argues that climate change is not just another issue to be…

15th Finance Commission – A Game Changer in Disaster Finances of India

Authors1. Shri. Anil Kumar Sinha, IAS (Retd.) is Hon. Editor, Know Disasters Magazine. 2. Md. Altamash Khan is a Field Correspondent &…

The Second Prof. Anand Swaroop Arya Memorial Lecture and Launch of 6th Issue of Know Disasters Magazine

As extreme weather events are becoming increasingly critical in the context of global environmental change, Know Disasters is presenting to…

Is Urban India Going Underwater Again?

Sahana Goswami is Manager – Sustainable Cities, World Resource Institute Samrat Basak is Director – Urban Water, World Resource Institute…

Paradox on Vulnerability and Risk Assessment for Climate Change and Natural Hazards

Dr Bapon (SHM) Fakhruddin is Technical Director – DRR and Climate Resilience. He is an international disaster risk reduction and…

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