Three individuals – Myriam Urzúa Venegas, Rajib Shaw and Glenn Suerte Felipe Banaguas – and three organizations – the Pacific Disaster Center, Save the Children Philippines, and SEEDS – are the six laureates of the 2022 United Nations Sasakawa Award for Disaster Risk Reduction. They have been recognized for initiatives which protect vulnerable communities from disaster risk. The Sasakawa Award for Disaster Risk Reduction focuses on the promotion of inclusive and resilient approaches in disaster risk reduction, reflecting the centrality of inclusiveness and resilience in the Sendai Framework. The 2022 Sasakawa Award honours practices and efforts made by institutions, individuals and groups that have best contributed to building resilience through a multi-hazard approach.
“A key tenet of UNDRR’s work is inclusivity. The Sendai Framework calls for inclusive disaster risk reduction to be integrated into planning, policy and funding. Unless we invest in prevention and building resilience, we will not be able to stop the spiral of disaster-response-recovery,” said Ricardo Mena, Director, UNDRR. A record number of over 200 nominations from all regions were submitted for the 2022 Sasakawa Award.